what are friends for?
Thank you, friend, for all the things That mean so much to me-- For concern and understanding You give abundantly.
Thanks for listening with your heart; For cheering me when I'm blue; For bringing out the best in me; And just for being you.

Thanks for in-depth conversation That stimulates my brain; For silly times we laugh out loud; For things I can't explain.
For looking past my flaws and faults; For all the time you spend; For all the kind things that you do, Thank you; thank you, friend.
By Joanna Fuchs
i just want to say...
I really couldn't ask for a better freindgroup. Words could never express how warm these individuals make me feel inside. Any day with them is another day that I know won't go without a laugh.

in order from left to right: Koree, Me, Karla